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每個人都知道學習語言最好的方式就是天天用它,但總是會有各種的理由或情況而無法持續下去。 、 早已是許多人日常的溝通工具,每天透過 、 或IG練習個幾句英語,突然哪天就變成英文通也不意外!

平常就找好友 一波吧,讓情感增溫、英語力順便就提升!

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CH01 Work & Career 工作與職業

001 It's now or never. 機不可失。
002 I can feel it in my bones! 我有預感!
003 You've got what they want. 你有他們想要的。
004 This project is my baby. 這個案子是我的寶貝。
005 I'm flat broke. 我身無分文。
006 Been there, done that. 都是過來人。
007 I'm in over my head. 超過我的負荷。
008 It's a foot in the door. 你已經跨出第一步了。
009 I'm not sweating it. 我沒關係。
010 YOLO (You Only Live Once) 活在當下。
011 It was a close call. 很驚險!
012 Working around the clock is a must to get ahead. 要成功就要24小時一直工作。
013 I owe you a big one. 我欠你一個人情。
014 I smell a rat. 我覺得事有蹊蹺。

CH02 Appearance 外在

015 You should call ahead for an appointment. 你應該先打電話預約。
016 How about bangs? 剪瀏海如何?
017 I went a little too far... 我有點太過了…
018 I couldn't even recognize her! 我甚至認不出她了!
019 I can't get rid of this backne. 我無法擺脫這個痘痘。
020 You've got to look the part. 你必須看起來適合那裡。
021 I have NOTHING to wear. 我沒有衣服可穿。
022 You look fresh off the runway. 妳好像在走伸展台。
023 Isn't it too showy for the first date? 第一次約會,會不會太誇張了?
024 I look like I just rolled out o . 我看起來好像剛起床。
025 What's your point? 你的重點是什麼?

CH03 Love 愛情

026 Love is one thing and marriage is another. 愛情和婚姻是兩回事。
027 It's not like I have a ring on my finger. 還不到套上戒指的程度。
028 She won't give me the time of day. 她從來不給我機會。
029 What's with you lately? 你最近怎麼了?
030 Pull yourself together. 冷靜下來。
031 It was a total disaster! 完全是個災難!
032 Epic fail 史上最糟糕
033 It's just not working. 行不通的。
034 Friendship between men and women is impossible. Period. 男女之間沒有純友誼,以上。
035 Two-timing is not my thing. 我不是那種會劈腿的人。
036 I made a faux pas. 我失態了。
037 He's still hung up on his ex. 他仍然想著前女友。

CH04 Health & Food 健康與食物

038 Speak for yourself. 那是你自己的看法。
039 He lives off Instant noodles and soda. 他靠泡麵和汽水維生。
040 What exactly is that? 那個究竟是什麼?
041 I'm not sure what she's into. 我不確定她喜歡什麼。
042 What should I eat to up my stamina? 我該吃什麼來增強體力?
043 I occasionally splurge on weekends. 我週末偶爾會暴食。
044 The meat was dry and the veggies were all mushy. 肉很乾,蔬菜也太軟爛了。
045 Do they have any lo-cal options? 他們有低卡路里食物嗎?
046 My stomach is growling. 我的胃在咕嚕咕嚕叫。
047 What are you in the mood for? 妳想吃什麼?
048 You're hitting the gym pretty hard. 你很勤跑健身房。
049 My head is killing me. 我的頭痛死了。
050 I'm quitting alcohol cold turkey! 我要戒酒!
051 I tripped texting and walking. 我走路打字時絆倒了。
052 My head feels foggy. 我覺得意識模糊。
053 Worry can make you sick. 憂慮會讓你生病。
054 I'll keep my fingers crossed. 我會為你祈禱。
055 You'll be back to normal in no time. 你會馬上好轉的。

CH05 Relationships 人際關係

056 She's driving me up the wall. 我被她氣瘋了。
057 I couldn't believe my eyes! 我不敢相信我的眼睛!
058 Just don't screw this up. 不要搞砸了。
059 You've got it all wrong. 你完全搞錯了。
060 He's creeping me out. 他讓我渾身不舒服。
061 He's a total nightmare! 他完全是個惡夢!
062 I'll make it up to you. 我會補償你的。
063 Things aren't the same anymore. 現在跟以前不一樣了。
064 Let me get back to you later. 我等一下回妳。
065 Your heart was in the right place. 你的用意是好的。
066 We have a love-hate relationship. 我們是又愛又恨的關係。

CH06 Tech 科技

067 My contract is up. 我的合約到期了。
068 Just give it a go! 放心試試看!
069 I'm having trouble figuring this thing out. 我在解決這個問題時遇到麻煩。
070 This is my last resort. 這是我最後的手段。
071 It's gonna blow your mind! 你會大吃一驚的!
072 It's revolutionized my life! 它徹底改變了我的人生!
073 It keeps turning off. 它一直關掉。
074 I shrank my entire wardrobe. 我整個衣櫃都縮水了。
075 Who can keep track of all these accessories?! 誰有辦法好好保管這所有的配件?

CH07 Leisure Activities 休閒活動

076 Bored out of my mind. 無聊死了。
077 I haven't gone anywhere in ages. 我好久沒去什麼地方了。
078 He's an athletic freak. 他是一個運動狂。
079 I'm drawn to baking classes. 我對烘培課有興趣。
080 Let's get together more often. 讓我們更常聚會吧!
081 It was a waste of time. 這是浪費時間。
082 No wonder you're so good at English! 難怪妳的英文很好!
083 That's my show! 那是我最喜歡的節目!
084 Just the thought of it makes me cringe. 光想就覺得難為情。
085 I feel like an entirely new person. 我覺得好像煥然一新。
086 Where is your sense of adventure? 你的冒險心到哪裡去了?

CH08 Everyday Life and Problems 日常生活與問題

087 What am I? Chopped liver? 我算啥?什麼也不是?
088 Cutting food waste helps us go greener. 減少廚餘有助我們成為環保者。
089 She never throws anything away. 她從來不丟東西。
090 I got caught jaywalking. 我被抓到亂穿越馬路。
091 Just for kicks. 只是為了好玩。
092 I'm already regretting it. 我已經後悔了。
093 It's like the 7th solid day of rain. 好像下了七天份的雨。
094 Maybe he has some other issue. 也許牠有一些其他的問題。
095 Guys, bundle up. 大家多穿一點。
096 Not in a million years. 絕對不會了。
097 I had my fortune told. 我去算命了。
098 It cost me an arm and a leg. 錢包大失血。
099 She's a super haggler. 她是討價還價的天才。
100 I'll have to eat and run. 我必須吃完就走。

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